What is the daily requirement for vitamin C – ascorbic acid? Vitamin C is an organic compound that has very important functions in the body. This ingredient not only affects immunity, but also allows diseases to pass more smoothly. In addition, it takes part in the conversion of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. However, these are not all the roles it plays in the body.
Its numerous effects make it an essential element of normal functioning. It is worth knowing that ascorbic acid is not naturally produced in the human body. Therefore, it is necessary to take it with food. What is worth knowing about this vitamin and how much should you consume daily?
The most important function of vitamin C
This compound seals the walls of blood vessels. Thanks to this, it has a positive effect on the body’s immunity and wound healing. The effects of ascorbic acid deficiency include scurvy, fragile blood vessels, and joint swelling and pain. Ascorbic acid is involved in the regulation of blood pressure and bad cholesterol. It also affects the proper synthesis of red blood cells and hemoglobin.
It is also a compound responsible for the condition of the skin and its healthy appearance. The antioxidant properties of this element are the most valued. By protecting cells from premature aging, it reduces the risk of certain cancers. It also reduces the likelihood of developing cardiovascular disease. What is the daily requirement for vitamin C for a given population? How to ensure its adequate supply?
- https://www.robomotion.pl/kancelaria-frankowa-w-szczecinie/
- https://www.sztamka.pl/jak-zabezpieczyc-sie-na-wypadek-rozwodu/
- https://www.siodemka.org.pl/monitoring-wizyjny-jako-skuteczna-ochrona-budynku/
How Much Ascorbic Acid Should You Get?
The daily requirement for vitamin C varies by age, gender and lifestyle. Some diseases require increased supplies. This is also due to the current state of health, physical condition and medications and substances taken. The average daily intake for women is 75 mg of ascorbic acid. It is worth remembering that not all ingredients in food are absorbed by the body. This is usually due to the type of processing the food has undergone and the way the food is put together. While getting vitamin C from food alone, it’s always a good idea to consume more vitamin C-rich foods to supplement your needs.
The average daily requirement of men is about 90 mg of vitamin C. The average reflects the state of health and average weight needs of a given population. These values also apply to respondents engaged in moderate physical activity. Which groups of people have a higher need for vitamins? First of all, the elderly and people experiencing chronic stress. You can also find people with high blood pressure here.
- lampy24.info.pl
- skleppodologiczny.com.pl/kategoria-produktu/wyposazenie/autoklawy-parowe/
- serwis-apple24.waw.pl
- kontenery-morskie.waw.pl
Heavy smokers need to ensure a greater supply of vitamin C. In their case, it was worth giving the body about 35 mg above the assumed average. Higher amounts of ascorbic acid would also be beneficial for diabetics and alcoholics.
Of course, pregnant and lactating women must pay attention to increasing the supply of vitamins. The former is usually around 85 mg, and the latter should absorb up to 120 mg of ascorbic acid per day.
Where can I buy vitamin C?
Popular forms of consuming this compound are oral and intravenous administration. It is worth remembering, however, that this supplement is intended for people with diseases that require special supplementation. Although this vitamin is not toxic, an overdose can cause unpleasant symptoms. These include nausea, diarrhea and vomiting. There is no indication that people who can use the drug should provide their body with ascorbic acid and food. What products can it be found in?
The wealth of vitamin C is found in natural plant foods. These are mainly fruits and vegetables, which many recommend eating raw or slightly processed. It is worth mentioning that heat treatment reduces the amount of ascorbic acid in food. However, freezing has not shown such an effect, and plant products treated with it still contain many problematic vitamins. Where can you find the most stuff?
Vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin C
Among the most recommended products in this category are blackcurrant, acerola, guava and blueberry. High levels of this vitamin are also found in strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, kiwi, pineapple and citrus. Vegetables rich in it include: cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kale, spinach, green beans, onions, tomatoes, potatoes and peppers. Raw vegetables should be eaten in sandwiches or with meals in the form of salads. In many cases, fresh fruit will be an excellent healthy dessert.
Pickle is also worthwhile if you want to supplement your vitamin C levels. Ascorbic acid plays an extremely important role in the human body. By following the rules of a healthy lifestyle and adjusting the amount of ingredients to your needs, you can have a big impact on your health.